
Showing posts from December 25, 2022

Movies That Will Make Your Mind Blown

Perhaps you’ve watched these mind-boggling movies before, and even if you have, you’re probably not entirely sure what you witnessed. While some of the movies on this list come around to a perfectly-good explanation by the time the credits stream down the screen, there are others that will have you scratching a hole into your scalp. So here’s a list of 5  movies that will make your mind do somersaults! Don’t worry, there aren’t any spoilers. The Sixth Sense Jump back to 1999 and Bruce Willis is the hardest man on the screen. In this very unique flick, a young and very talented Haley Joel Osment plays the role of a boy who ‘sees dead people’. While Willis’ marriage is falling to pieces, he finds a unique friendship in the young disturbed boy.                                                              Inception How far can espionage really go? Leonardo DiCaprio puts on one of his best performances in Inception as he delves into the dreams of unsuspecting victims in order to steal their

Characteristics of Healthy and Unhealthy Lungs

The lungs are vital organs that are useful for capturing oxygen and turning it into carbon dioxide. Sufficient oxygen in the bloodstream can support the performance of other organs of the body to be more optimal, especially increasing concentration and physical activity. The average person breathes about 11,000 liters of air every day. This capacity will be reduced if the lungs are experiencing problems due to exposure to cigarettes, harmful chemicals, viral infections, or the appearance of cancer cells. That's why, everyone should love lung health. 1. Lungs Are Pink Healthy lungs look and feel like a sponge. It's pink, slippery, and flexible enough to expand and contract with each breath. However, if the lungs are contaminated with dirty particles, the color can turn gray or black accompanied by spots. 2. It's not easy to 'go out' A person with normal lungs usually breathes smoothly and easily without pain. This is because these organs supply oxygen to the bloodstr

Fruit Juices for People with Stomach Acid Problem

Increase in stomach acid generally occurs due to unhealthy and messy eating patterns. Not infrequently sufferers feel uncomfortable so that it interferes with daily activities. For that, look for intake that is friendly and safe for the digestive organs, one of which is fruit juice for people with stomach acid. It's hard to accept the fact that a number of delicious foods can trigger acid reflux. Even so, that doesn't mean that someone shouldn't consume the following intake at all, but try to limit it: Caffeinated drinks, such as coffee, tea or energy drinks Citrus with high acidity, such as lemon and grapefruit Tomato Chocolate Alcohol Fried food Research in 2021 notes that people with asthma accompanied by stomach acid can trigger complications of lung transplantation. In addition, uncontrolled stomach acid will worsen digestive health and cause other diseases, such as sore throat (esophagitis), gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding, repeated irritation of the esophagus, and bre

Indonesian Sate Makassar Recipe

The popular beef satay originates from Java. Even though this typical Makassar meat satay tastes soft, savory with spices. Eaten warm with a splash of peanut sauce cooked with coconut milk, very tasty and delicious. You can prove it with the following recipe The tender juicy beef is even more delicious eaten with a splash of peanut sauce. Can be eaten with lontong or rice. Duration :  60 Minutes  Origin of Cuisine : Makassar Cuisine Category : Meat Materials: 500 g beef 150 ml thick coconut milk enough skewers 2 cloves of garlic 1 tsp coriander 1/4 tsp cumin 1/4 tsp pepper 1 stalk of lemongrass, bruised 1 knuckle galangal 1 tsp brown sugar Salt to taste Peanut sauce: 250 ml thick coconut milk 150 grams of peanuts 6 star fruit wuluh 5 red onions 2 cloves of garlic 6 red chilies 4 candlenuts 1 tsp cooked shrimp paste Salt and sugar to taste How to cook: 1. Cut the meat into 1 cm dice 2. Mix the coconut milk well with shallots, coriander, cumin, pepper, finely chopped lemongrass, galang

Signs of a burst blood vessel in the brain

Signs of a burst blood vessel in the brain (hemorrhagic stroke) must be treated immediately before endangering the life of the sufferer. This is because bleeding puts pressure on the surrounding brain cells and causes blood flow to become obstructed. Hemorrhagic strokes start with a lump or swelling in a blood vessel in the brain called an aneurysm. An aneurysm often looks like a small berry hanging from the brainstem. Sooner or later it causes brain tissue damage which is characterized by neurological symptoms. In addition to aneurysms, burst blood vessels in the brain can be caused by other things, such as tumors, blood-thinning drugs, long-term uncontrolled blood pressure, and head injuries. Unfortunately, few people are aware of vascular problems. Therefore, recognize the symptoms before the situation gets worse. Signs of a Ruptured Blood Vessel Hemorrhagic strokes that occur within the brain are also called intracerebral hemorrhages. Symptoms can vary from person to person. Watch

Ways to Overcome Cholesterol Naturally

How to deal with cholesterol naturally is very useful for sufferers in addition to the help of medical drugs. Although the results are not instantaneous, this method has been proven to be effective in reducing high cholesterol for a long time and makes the body healthier. Plaque buildup due to high cholesterol is very risky for heart health. If not treated immediately, heart attacks and strokes are the most fatal health problems that sufferers may experience. If that's the case, the condition is very difficult to cure and is often life-threatening. Unfortunately, cholesterol and triglycerides (fats) in the blood rarely cause symptoms. This condition just happens until finally the sufferer comes to the doctor with serious health problems. Therefore, be diligent in checking cholesterol levels at the nearest medical service. How to Overcome Cholesterol Naturally If you find cholesterol levels above 200 mg/dl, immediately apply this method: 1. Avoid Bad Fats Bad fats are generally foun

Types of Sports for Children

Exercising is one way to keep the body healthy. However, exercise does not only have to be done by adults. This physical activity is also necessary for children who are in their infancy. The reason is, sports for children will be very beneficial for their growth and development. As a parent, you can start introducing systematic and structured sports to your child. Here are recommendations for suitable types of sports for children to help their growth and development! 1. Reducing the risk of obesity If since childhood the child has been exercising regularly, later he will avoid the possibility of developing obesity. By doing physical activity in the form of sports for at least 30 minutes three times a week, the risk of obesity in children will be reduced. However, keep in mind that children's nutritional intake must also be considered. 2. Encourage the growth of strong bones and muscles The second benefit of exercise in children is the growth of stronger bones and muscles. Based on

Ways to Maintain Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Importance of Having Healthy Thinking Spending a lot of time at home is not easy for most people, especially if it is done for a long time. Stress, anxiety, anxiety, and depression are mental conditions that are rife during a pandemic. Therefore, having a mental condition and healthy thinking is ammunition for the body to avoid disease. Ways to Maintain Mental Health During a Pandemic There are several steps you can take to keep your mental health in good condition: 1. Reduce News Intake Reading information or news is necessary, but don't let that make you anxious. Consuming too much news with certain topics can also interfere with mental health. That's why, you only need to read 1-2 news every day from a trusted source. 2. Spend Time With Family From morning to evening activity is always busy. You can spend time with your family when it's time to eat and on weekends by talking, playing fun games, or contacting relatives with a video call application. 3. Tell a story If