Ways to Maintain Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Importance of Having Healthy Thinking

Spending a lot of time at home is not easy for most people, especially if it is done for a long time. Stress, anxiety, anxiety, and depression are mental conditions that are rife during a pandemic. Therefore, having a mental condition and healthy thinking is ammunition for the body to avoid disease.

Ways to Maintain Mental Health During a Pandemic

There are several steps you can take to keep your mental health in good condition:

1. Reduce News Intake

Reading information or news is necessary, but don't let that make you anxious. Consuming too much news with certain topics can also interfere with mental health. That's why, you only need to read 1-2 news every day from a trusted source.

2. Spend Time With Family

From morning to evening activity is always busy. You can spend time with your family when it's time to eat and on weekends by talking, playing fun games, or contacting relatives with a video call application.

3. Tell a story

If you feel uncomfortable with certain things and are at the stage of interfering with your activities, you can share stories with people you trust. Be it family, close friends, even a psychologist. By sharing stories, you will feel relieved and at least your mood will be calmer.

4. Limit Alcohol Consumption

When under stress, most people consume alcohol and smoke to relieve it. However, in conditions like this, don't consume alcohol and cigarettes excessively. In accordance with the recommendations from WHO, try to use the health app if you want to get help from professionals.

5. Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables

It's no longer a secret that eating fruits and vegetables that contain lots of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients can be physically healthy. In line with research from the Warsaw University of Life Sciences in 2020 which says that consumption of fruits and vegetables can also have a positive effect on mental health

6. Make Time for Exercise

Busy activities and work make us forget to exercise. In fact, exercise can help you to be more fresh. Take at least 15-30 minutes a day for a morning walk around the house, doing yoga, or light stretching at home.

7. Hobby

There are lots of things that might become your hobby, from farming, playing music, painting, cooking, playing games, to cleaning up.

Whatever hobby you like, don't forget to do it! Through activities you like, your mind will become calmer, fresher, and of course your heart will be happy.

8. Self-talk

Self-talk is when you try to talk to yourself about whatever you're feeling. Positive affirmations delivered during self-talk can reduce the risk of some mental health disorders. These include reducing anxiety, eliminating negative perceptions, and providing opportunities for self-control.

By implementing ways to maintain good mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic, you will be better prepared to take on the day and be able to do other productive things. Because one of the keys to a healthy body is a happy heart.


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