Types of Sports for Children

Exercising is one way to keep the body healthy. However, exercise does not only have to be done by adults. This physical activity is also necessary for children who are in their infancy. The reason is, sports for children will be very beneficial for their growth and development. As a parent, you can start introducing systematic and structured sports to your child. Here are recommendations for suitable types of sports for children to help their growth and development!

1. Reducing the risk of obesity

If since childhood the child has been exercising regularly, later he will avoid the possibility of developing obesity. By doing physical activity in the form of sports for at least 30 minutes three times a week, the risk of obesity in children will be reduced. However, keep in mind that children's nutritional intake must also be considered.

2. Encourage the growth of strong bones and muscles

The second benefit of exercise in children is the growth of stronger bones and muscles. Based on research, children who exercise regularly will have better bone density. That way, they will avoid the risk of osteoporosis in old age. In addition to bones, the child's muscles will also get stronger. With the right exercise routine, children's motor skills will be better. It is also good for training their brain coordination with their muscles.

3. Launching blood circulation

Furthermore, the child's blood circulation will also be smoother. Did you know that blood carries oxygen from the lungs throughout the body? Imagine if circulation is not smooth and oxygen intake is not fulfilled. Surely children are susceptible to disease, moreover oxygen is very necessary for the continuity of activities in the body. In addition, blood also carries a variety of nutrients that the child's body needs. Therefore, make sure that your child is diligent in exercising so that blood circulation runs smoothly.

4. Maintain mental health

Did you know that nowadays more and more people are experiencing mental problems? In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) says that during a pandemic, people with mental disorders have increased. For that, you must maintain the mental health of children by inviting them to exercise.

With exercise, children can avoid depression, excessive anxiety, and have quality sleep. Let your child explore new things and places. Exercising can also improve their ability to socialize with peers.

Types of sports that are suitable for children

There are various types of sports that children can do. However, it should be noted that before doing sports it is better if your child prepares himself with nutritious food and drinks and does a warm-up. By warming up, the muscles and heart work will be better prepared. 

1. Athletics

This one sport consists of various types of activities that your child can do. For example running, jumping or walking. This one activity invites children to move faster and more precisely and to become more flexible. By doing this exercise, the child's bone density is also getting better.

2. Swimming

 The second sport that you can try is swimming. By swimming children can learn to regulate breathing and body muscles. In addition, this exercise is also appropriate for children who suffer from asthma. The reason is, when swimming, the lungs will be trained to work optimally.

3. Gymnastics

Next is gymnastics or also known as gymnastics. This type of child exercise can train their body flexibility. By doing exercise regularly, children can also regulate their body balance.

4. Football

Who does not know this one sport? Football can be said to be a favorite sport for both children and adults. Usually, many boys will like this sport, although it is possible that girls will also like it.

This type of exercise for children can improve heart performance, strengthen muscles and help children to have better eye-foot coordination. In addition, because this sport is rarely done alone, children can also practice sportsmanship and work together in teams.

5. Bicycle

The last type of child sport is cycling. This fun sport teaches children to stay balanced on a bicycle. You can teach them gradually from four-wheeled bicycles, three-wheeled bicycles, until finally they are brave on two-wheeled bicycles. Children can be taught to be brave but still careful when doing this sport. Later, the leg muscles will get stronger and the heart will work better by cycling.


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