Fruit Juices for People with Stomach Acid Problem

Increase in stomach acid generally occurs due to unhealthy and messy eating patterns. Not infrequently sufferers feel uncomfortable so that it interferes with daily activities. For that, look for intake that is friendly and safe for the digestive organs, one of which is fruit juice for people with stomach acid.

It's hard to accept the fact that a number of delicious foods can trigger acid reflux. Even so, that doesn't mean that someone shouldn't consume the following intake at all, but try to limit it:

  • Caffeinated drinks, such as coffee, tea or energy drinks
  • Citrus with high acidity, such as lemon and grapefruit
  • Tomato
  • Chocolate
  • Alcohol
  • Fried food
Research in 2021 notes that people with asthma accompanied by stomach acid can trigger complications of lung transplantation. In addition, uncontrolled stomach acid will worsen digestive health and cause other diseases, such as sore throat (esophagitis), gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding, repeated irritation of the esophagus, and breathing problems.

1. Guava Juice
Consumption of guava is very effective in dealing with stomach and digestive problems. This is because guava contains high alkali (base), making it an ideal choice for relieving symptoms of stomach acid. Because the taste is sweet, guava juice does not need to be added with sugar or people can replace it with honey.

2. Cucumber Juice
Apart from being low in calories, cucumber juice is perfect for people with stomach acid who are on a diet because it is cooling and rich in nutrients, such as fiber and minerals. So, don't be surprised if this juice is often served by Indonesians in hot weather.

3. Aloe Vera Juice
Research published by the US Center for Biotechnology and Information in 2015 stated that aloe vera juice is safe and well tolerated by stomach acid. In fact, this healthy juice is considered not to have serious side effects for sufferers.

Aloe vera also contains polysaccharide substances that can help the body absorb food nutrients to the fullest. In addition, this plant is effective for relieving infections and digestive disorders.

4. Celery Juice
Quoted from Forbes, celery juice contains good nutrients that the body needs, including vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin B6, folate, and potassium. Therefore, this drink is very helpful for people who are prone to ulcers and acid reflux by increasing gastric mucus to help the digestive system work more optimally.

Celery juice also contains flavonoids, phytonutrients and powerful antioxidants that fight cancer. Although celery is literally not a medicine, celery juice may be the best choice for warding off disease-causing free radicals.

5. Carrot Juice
Carrot juice contains natural alkaline components which help neutralize stomach acid and relieve ulcer symptoms. Also, half a cup of carrot juice has only 105 calories which means it is very safe to drink for people on a diet.

6. Banana Juice and Coconut Water
Bananas and coconut are excellent choices for relieving acid reflux. Coconut is high in fiber and water, while bananas are alkaline. So, this smoothie is sure to keep your tummy calm and relaxed.

The method is quite easy, mix one and a half pure coconut water and one or two bananas into a quarter cup of almond milk using a blender. When it's thoroughly mixed, the drink can be mixed with ice cubes or dried coconut pieces to add crunch.


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