Characteristics of Healthy and Unhealthy Lungs

The lungs are vital organs that are useful for capturing oxygen and turning it into carbon dioxide. Sufficient oxygen in the bloodstream can support the performance of other organs of the body to be more optimal, especially increasing concentration and physical activity.

The average person breathes about 11,000 liters of air every day. This capacity will be reduced if the lungs are experiencing problems due to exposure to cigarettes, harmful chemicals, viral infections, or the appearance of cancer cells. That's why, everyone should love lung health.

1. Lungs Are Pink
Healthy lungs look and feel like a sponge. It's pink, slippery, and flexible enough to expand and contract with each breath. However, if the lungs are contaminated with dirty particles, the color can turn gray or black accompanied by spots.

2. It's not easy to 'go out'
A person with normal lungs usually breathes smoothly and easily without pain. This is because these organs supply oxygen to the bloodstream to keep the body's metabolism strong. When the lungs are healthy, a person tends to be active and has a good quality of life.

3. Rarely Cough
Cilia are lung tissue in the form of small hairs that function to get rid of dust or dirt that enters with the air. If the lungs are infected or inflamed, the cilia will be damaged and the sufferer will more easily experience coughing. Coughing is the body's natural response to expel mucus secretions or foreign bodies trapped in the lungs.

4. Clean Lungs from Mucus
Increased mucus production can occur for several reasons, especially smoking which can damage the epithelial cells that line the airways. However, the mucus in the lungs does not always play a bad role. With normal levels, mucus in the lungs is in charge of trapping microorganisms or dirt that enters from the airways so they don't spread throughout the body.

1. Chronic Cough
Contrary to the characteristics of healthy lungs, a cough that doesn't go away is a sign of lung problems. In fact, coughing accompanied by blood is the main symptom of chronic lung diseases that should not be underestimated, such as cancer and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). This condition really torments the sufferer because it makes it difficult to sleep and move.

2. Chest Pain
Not only heart problems, unhealthy lungs can trigger chest pain. The condition can last for more than 30 days and it hurts even more when the sufferer coughs or just takes a deep breath.

3. Voice Changed
Lung performance also has something to do with the production of sounds produced by humans. However, when the lungs cannot expand completely, the sound will become very soft or small. Other causes are vocal cord dysfunction and asthma.

4. Wheezing and Shortness of Breath
Wheezing is a whistling sound when a person inhales. This health problem results from a narrowing of the respiratory organs that affects the airflow from the lungs. If the condition appears together with shortness of breath, chances are someone is experiencing asthma or an allergic reaction.

From the characteristics of healthy and unhealthy lungs, which one describes the condition of your lungs? To keep its function running well, people can follow the following tips:

  • Refrain from smoking.
  • Exercise regularly at least three to five times a week.
  • Maintain cleanliness by diligently washing hands with soap before eating and receiving vaccine injections when needed.
  • Use a mask every time you leave the house.


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