Signs of a burst blood vessel in the brain

Signs of a burst blood vessel in the brain (hemorrhagic stroke) must be treated immediately before endangering the life of the sufferer. This is because bleeding puts pressure on the surrounding brain cells and causes blood flow to become obstructed.

Hemorrhagic strokes start with a lump or swelling in a blood vessel in the brain called an aneurysm. An aneurysm often looks like a small berry hanging from the brainstem. Sooner or later it causes brain tissue damage which is characterized by neurological symptoms.

In addition to aneurysms, burst blood vessels in the brain can be caused by other things, such as tumors, blood-thinning drugs, long-term uncontrolled blood pressure, and head injuries. Unfortunately, few people are aware of vascular problems. Therefore, recognize the symptoms before the situation gets worse.

Signs of a Ruptured Blood Vessel

Hemorrhagic strokes that occur within the brain are also called intracerebral hemorrhages. Symptoms can vary from person to person. Watch out for the following symptoms quoted from Cleveland:

  • Headaches (experts often call them "thunderclap" headaches because they occur suddenly and are severe).
  • Light sensitivity, in which bright light causes pain such as a severe headache (photophobia).
  • Dizziness or vertigo.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • seizures.
  • Loss of consciousness or fainting.
  • Come
  • Aphasia (difficulty with or loss of speech) or slurred or slurred speech (dysarthria).
  • Paralysis or loss of the sense of touch.
  • One-sided loss of all bilateral senses (sight, hearing and touch).
  • Stiff neck.
Because many people experience the signs of a burst blood vessel unconsciously, doctors will test certain body reflexes, such as the reaction of the pupils to light. In order to get a more detailed diagnosis, the doctor also performs a neurological examination or diagnostic imaging.

So, can this disease be prevented? Of course you can regularly regulate blood pressure. This can be started from changing a healthier lifestyle, controlling weight, and reducing the use of cigarettes and alcohol.


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